We Don’t Need Visibility, We Need SolidarityYesterday was Transgender Day of Visibility. This is a day that I have very mixed feelings about, as do many other trans women. TDOV was…Apr 1, 2021Apr 1, 2021
Abolish The Standards of Care, Respect Transgender AgencyThe standards of care are an outdated relic and reflect a bigoted view of trans people. It is time to get rid of them.Jan 31, 20202Jan 31, 20202
On Women As A Class: Materialist Feminism and Mass StruggleThe relationship between gender and capital is complex, but a materialist approach to both requires us to recognize the centrality of…Nov 23, 201811Nov 23, 201811
How Contrapoints Misunderstands GenderThe theory of gender that emerges from Contrapoints’ videos offers us an eclectic mix of contradictory theories, and fails to give us a…Nov 4, 201845Nov 4, 201845
Brief Thoughts on Non-VotersOriginally from a facebook post, but copied to medium to allow easier archiving and access.Oct 13, 20182Oct 13, 20182
The University Is Not Our FriendFor communists in the United States, it is time that we analyze the ways the University has attempted to control the narrative around…Sep 27, 20187Sep 27, 20187
In America, Civic Nationalism is White NationalismCivic pride for a nation founded and maintained through white supremacy is white pride. Political violence in the name of civic nationalism…Aug 5, 20187Aug 5, 20187
Marxism and Trans LiberationThe only path forward for trans liberation is the abolition of capitalism and the development of socialism. Its time for trans people to…Jul 12, 201832Jul 12, 201832
Liberalism Is In A State of Crisis: Why?Perhaps it is in bad taste to respond to a book review as if it is a treatise, but sometimes someone writes a book review that correctly…May 24, 2018May 24, 2018
Rethinking Lesbian FeminismTrans feminism and lesbian feminism are often understood to exist in opposition to one another, but there are important lessons they can…May 17, 20182May 17, 20182